5 Ways to Overcome Adversity at Work

5 Ways to Overcome Adversity at Work

Adversity is a common occurrence in professional life, especially if you work in a high-stress environment. At the end of the day, you need a set of strong principles to come out the other side accomplished and mentally at peace.

Here are five ways you can overcome adversity at work:

1. Brace Yourself for Every Outcome

The best way to lessen the blow of negative outcomes is to expect those outcomes from a plan of action. Even if you have a solid strategy, there are so many variables in a workplace that you cannot control.

Maybe someone has a better idea than you. Or your boss is not in a supportive mood. Perhaps your client just won’t see your side of things and make challenging demands. In short, you should be ready for everything and anything, predictable and unpredictable, to deal with adversity better.

And then, you take that positivity and turn it into a new plan of action with lessons learned from the previous setback!

2. Negative Feedback? Treat It As Positive Criticism!

“I like constructive criticism from smart people.” – Prince

By nature, we love to think that our idea, our belief, our story is perfect. And while confidence is an incredible trait, there should always be space for others’ opinions when it comes to professional life.

You grow as a person and a professional when you’re open to constructive criticism—the key word here being ‘constructive.’ While you should never take what’s obvious as an envious, snide remark to heart, do value the opinions that come from positive sources—even if that opinion directly addresses a shortcoming of yours.

This adversity can be, in fact, a growth opportunity in disguise!

3. Break Challenges Into Chunks

Facing a hardship at work? How about you go at it step-by-step?

That task, which is now daunting collectively, will be manageable and doable when you break it down. For people stepping into new roles after a promotion at work or facing a particularly perplexing work week, a seemingly impossible challenge is the thing that may land them in hot waters based on their reaction alone.

When you develop a resilient and tactical mindset and divide your challenge into chunks, you’ll be past that adversity before you know it!

4. Keep The Company Of Those Who Support

When you faced adversity as a kid, you sought out help from your parents, siblings, or other grownups around you. A little older, and you had your peers by your side. Stepping into professional life, once again, you need people to help you through the hard times.

Build a support network. Make connections and filter out people who want to bring you down, as keeping them by you will only make an adverse much harder for you. Stick with coworkers who can be your rock when tough times strike.

5. Stay Disciplined & Confident

It’s easy to let go of your normal demeanor and lose your cool when you face hardships at the workplace. Letting go and giving up feels like the right thing to do when adversity strikes. Your response to a difficult situation is everything.

Maintain your composure and try to stay upbeat. This does not imply you break into a song and smile all day. It’s the little things:

Be polite to your subordinates and professional with your superiors. Earn their respect and possibly their help. Do not let your frustration get the best of you in social situations.

Focus on your strengths to build your confidence. Some people fixate on eliminating their weaknesses during adversity, whereas what they should be doing is leveraging what they do best.

Take measures to stay calm so that you can get through an adverse scenario as quickly as possible with dignity. Listen to music, eat something comforting, talk to someone, and so on.

Bottom Line

Align your goals. Practice self-control. Allow support to come your way. You’ll be surprised how well you can improve the outcome during adversity in your workplace!

Until next time, be well.

Chidi Iwuchukwu

Keynote Speaker


Looking for more awesome advice for workplace troubles? As a public speaker and resilience expert with successes in the face of personal and professional hardships, Chidi Iwuchukwu offers exceptional advice. Book him for your next corporate event by contacting us today!