Keynote Topics

Chidi C. Iwuchukwu is a burnout coach, resilience expert and public speaker building resilience in the next generation of leaders through his vast experience and inspirational story telling.

Stories to encourage the audience

Chidi Iwuchukwu uses his own personal story, marked by a variety of harrowing life experiences and transitions, to illustrate how to impact positive change by embracing and applying the principles of courage, vision, and power. See below for the keynote topics he has for your students and feel free to get in touch for your preferred topics.

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Learn to Live Forward

At the end of this speech, participants will be able:

  • To identify and articulate their emotions related to the stressors and draining experiences.
  • Demonstrate healthy ways to express and manage their emotions and challenges.
  • Recognize the importance of social support and will be able to seek help from friends, family, and community resources.
  • Set realistic and achievable goals for their personal and professional lives.
  • Develop a step-by-step plan to work towards their goals, adapting as necessary.
  • Identify areas for personal growth and recognize the potential for positive transformation following a crisis.

Lessons from a Black Hero

At the end of this speech, audience will:

  • Learn about the historical context in which the Black hero lived and worked.
  • Be motivated to pursue their goals with greater determination and confidence.
  • Will gain a new perspective on the importance of diversity and inclusion.
  • Encouraged to engage in activism and community service inspired by the hero’s actions.
  • Identify specific qualities and lessons from the hero that they can apply to their own lives.

Succeeding as a New Canadian

Chidi’s draws from his bestselling book-Coming to Canada:

The Ultimate Success Guide for New Immigrants and Travelers to give unique insights to the key challenges and many transitions faced by Newcomers to Canada. This interactive, frank but inspiring dialogue gives international students and other newcomers an unbiased view of life in Canada, appreciation of the task ahead, the tools to meet the many challenges along the way.


  • Build the resilience required to navigate the settlement maze.
  • Understand the domains of success for new Canadians.
  • Explore the multiculturalism that is at the heart of Canada.
  • Navigate the lack of Canadian experience for job search.
  • Get an overview of key sectors of the Canadian society to enable full integration.

Resilience in Leadership For Students

We have so many uncertainties thrown at us in this era- COVID 19 pandemic, inflation and political changes. Thinking of the future and navigating college brings additional burdens, expectations, anxieties, and self-doubts. These mix makes transitioning to adulthood challenging, overwhelming, and demanding exceptional leadership skills. More than ever, personal and organisational leadership for students requires grit, strategic visioning, and unparalleled execution. This session will help the students and their leaders to re-focus, re-strategize, and lead with the power of resilience to meet the challenges of change and uncertainties.


After this session students will learn:

  • The Essential Skill They Need To Win Inside and Beyond the College.
  • 5 Things You Need to Succeed In Life That is Not Taught in Schools.
  • How to Vision for Impact and Inter-generational Excellence.
  • Leveraging Community Resources to Build Strong Organizations.

Building Inclusive Communities and Leaders through Resilience and Empathy

How do we make inclusion and belonging achievable in a world of diverse opinions and hates on the social media? How do we transform our spaces and communities into islands of inclusion for the vulnerable and voiceless?  What actionable steps can we take to make inclusion become more than just a buzz word? This interactive and no-holds bar conversation allows the students to explore the experiences of others from diverse background and abilities, develop empathy for those who are different and delivers a pathway for inclusive mindset.


  • Explore the concept of community
  • Focus on attitude and language when dealing with others who are different.
  • Understand the relationship between empathy and social responsibility
  • Provide guidance to respect the voice and dignity of others in the community.
  • Inspire champions of Inclusion and other causes on campus.
  • Develop skills to build healthy relationships and connections with others the lens of empathy, inclusion, and mutual respect.
